nabel package:nabel R Documentation Plot NABEL data Description: The National Air Pollution Monitoring Network (NABEL) provides time series data on air-borne pollutant concentrations from a network of measurement stations across Switzerland. The data can be queried with an HTML form (see sources). This is a simple function that serves as a wrapper for that HTML form. Its main purpose is to demonstrate some of the capabilities of by Jeroen Ooms. Usage: nabel(pollutant = c("o3", "no2", "so2", "co", "nmvoc", "pm10", "pm1", "cpc", "temp", "prec", "rad"), stations = c("Bern-Bollwerk", "Lausanne-César-Roux", "Lugano-Università", "Zürich-Kaserne", "Basel-Binningen", "Dübendorf-Empa", "Härkingen-A1", "Sion-Aéroport-A9", "Magadino-Cadenazzo", "Payerne", "Tänikon", "Lägeren", "Chaumont", "Rigi-Seebodenalp", "Davos-Seehornwald", "Jungfraujoch"), interval = c("hourly", "daily"), period = c("day", "week", "month", "free"), from = NULL, to = NULL) Arguments: pollutant: pollutant or meteorological variable to plot stations: measurement stations (either by number or name) to include interval: plot hourly or daily means period: time series period from: start day of time series period (if period = "free") to: end day of time series period (if period = "free") Details: A single pollutant or meteorological variable is plotted (default is o3): 1. o3 (Ozone (O3)) 2. no2 (Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)) 3. so2 (Sulfur dioxide (SO2)) 4. co (Carbon monoxide (CO)) 5. nmvoc (Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC)) 6. pm10 (Particulate matter (PM10)) 7. pm1 (Particulate matter (PM1)) 8. cpc (Particulate number concentration (CPC)) 9. temp (Temperature (TEMP)) 10. prec (Precipitation (PREC)) 11. rad (Global radiation (RAD)) One or several measurement stations have to be included (default is to include all 16): 1. Bern-Bollwerk 2. Lausanne-César-Roux 3. Lugano-Università 4. Zürich-Kaserne 5. Basel-Binningen 6. Dübendorf-Empa 7. Härkingen-A1 8. Sion-Aéroport-A9 9. Magadino-Cadenazzo 10. Payerne 11. Tänikon 12. Lägeren 13. Chaumont 14. Rigi-Seebodenalp 15. Davos-Seehornwald 16. Jungfraujoch For the time series measurement interval, you have a choice between hourly and daily means (default is hourly). The depicted time period can be the last day, week, month, or you can freely choose the period by specifying a start date with from and an end date with to (both need to be given in a format that can be converted to an object of class Date with as.Date() - e.g. in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD). Value: none (invisible NULL) Note: Not all pollutants are measured at all stations. Author(s): Thomas Zumbrunn () Source: and Examples: ## plot daily mean NO2 concentrations at three stations ## from 1 January 2011 up to today ## Not run: nabel("no2", c("Bern", "Basel", "Lausanne"), "daily", "free", "2011-01-01", Sys.Date()) ## End(Not run)